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Education & Training

Can digital really solve the workforce problem?

Can digital really solve the workforce problem?

Jyoti Mehan of Health Care First considers how digital can tackle the workforce issue within healthcare We hear a lot about digital solutions in healthcare, and the fact that these may be the panacea to our problems. As we well know, healthcare is facing an enormous...

Ensuring clinical excellence

Ensuring clinical excellence

Josie Winter, Clinical Operations Director of Advanced Clinical Solutions, explains how to help hospitals reach and secure clinical excellence Standards are a very difficult issue to tackle in the hospital sector. In the UK we are very lucky - we have one set of...

Stemming the tide of infection

Stemming the tide of infection

Josie Winter, Clinical Operations Director at Advanced Clinical Solutions, discusses the importance of compliance in patient safety. Regardless of the recent pandemic, it has never been clearer that worldwide changes in terms of international healthcare standards...

A guide to international opportunities and the NHS

A guide to international opportunities and the NHS

A specialist breakout session examined the pathways for NHS and overseas organisations to develop opportunities Following on from the previous session on the NHS in international markets at the Healthcare World Festival, a breakout session was held to discuss, debate...

Producing doctors – what Africa can learn from Asia

Producing doctors – what Africa can learn from Asia

In Asia there has been an exponential expansion in private medical schools over the last decade, says Dr Ken Grant, Technical Director of International Health Mott MacDonald. Africa is short of doctors. Not just short - very short. At the start of the Ebola crisis in...

Building back better

Building back better

'How do we support peer-to-peer networks as the bedrock of a sustainable global health system?', ask Thomas Hughes, Head of Development Partnerships and Ged Byrne, Director of Global Health Partnerships, Health Education England. Following the global pandemic, we need...

Reducing South Africa’s healthcare burden

Reducing South Africa’s healthcare burden

The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa aims to improve cardiovascular health through lifestyle and education tools, says Sophia Kurz. In South Africa, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is responsible for almost one in six deaths, while 225 people die every day from...

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